FREE daily rhythm cards - Montessori Inspired!

Do you like to know what to expect in your day? So do kids.

In fact, children ages 0-6 experience this desire much more strongly than adults because they are in a sensitive period for order.

What are ways you can support them in this?

  • create a visual schedule - this allows them to feel a sense of security seeing what to expect that day and independence to know what to do next.

  • follow a flow in your day that is similar everyday. - not a rigid schedule but a flow followed in sense by the child not adult.

  • give verbal warnings before change of activity/transitions.

I’ll like to always keep it real with ya’ll! We used ours a lot when we moved and we’re getting into a routine. Now we rarely refer to it because our flow has become natural and it seems he knows what to really expect. You don’t HAVE to have a visual schedule to support your child in their sensitivity to order.

I have made these printable rhythm cards for you all to print and make your own pictorial schedule if you want them right here!


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